Dentaburst Freshening Teeth Cleaners were created for pause empowering confidence that comes with long lasting fresh breath and a clean, bright smile.
having fresh breath is important, but what about keep in plaque at bay? we all know that oral hygiene keeps not only our bodies healthy, but also keeps our pearly whites staying pearly white.
these single-use, smile primping products are the newest freshening teeth cleaners on the market. when you need fresh breath or a boost of just-brushed-my-teeth confidence, Dentaburst has you covered! and an even better thing? they help to remove plaque!
i used these while at disneyland this past week, and i have to say, they are fabulous! and if that isn't enough, my hubby really appreciated them too. he is what i would call teeth obsessed, and keeping his teeth looking great is important. i can only imagine what people were thinking about us (and the kids) when we were "brushing" away, walking down main street-- until i saw a man flossing! i was tempted to hand him a Dentaburst, but i am so shy when it comes to approaching strangers, i let him go on with his life, floss and all.

after you've freshened and cleaned up that smile, head over to the Be Ready Lounge, a new online community designed for america's most influential girls-on-the-go.
packed with advice, real-life stories and a place to swap insight on fashion, beauty, love, life and everything in between, the Be Ready Lounge is your place to shine...
pick up Dentaburst at your local Target, CVS or Walgreens and learn more at dentaburst.com.
find the Be Ready Lounge at BeReadyLounge.com
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