Smile Beauty Week kicks off next monday, july 28th in TheBeReadyLounge.com, an online beauty and lifestyle community. check it out, and celebrate the five days filled with celebrity beauty talent and giveaways galore!
each day will feature unique experts and topics and 5 new chances to win one of our smile-beauty bundles. in addition, the first 10 to log-in and participate each day will win a celeb goodie bag and two 6-month supplies of DentaBurst, one for them and one for a friend!
so far the expert talent consists of the following people:
Darrell Redleaf, Celebrity make-up artist and beauty expert to talk about celeb smile beauty secrets.
Deborah King, President of Final Touch Finishing School to talk about confidence and beauty.
Lauren Dimet Waters, Editor-in-Chief of Second City Style
this should be quite fun, and full of fabulous insight! be sure to check in each day, you might be a winner!
your clicks count! thank you!

photo: fotoseach.com
1 comment:
I nominated you for a Brillante Award! Deets can be found on my blog. :)
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