my jaw almost fell off. i wasn't sure, but kept an open mind-- one never knows...
so we went to the local shelter with a mental list of what we were looking for:
an older dog, sweet tempered and not too hyper, small, but not too "yappy" (neither of our neighbors to each side of us has a dog-- we didn't want to become the annoying neighbors, LOL), and he or she should have hair rather than fur because i have a mild allergy to dogs with fur.
who knew we'd find our dog so soon!
she was in need of a a serious brush when we met her...

so, my beauties, meet Piper, beauty girl #3 in our home! :)
Piper is 5 and a purebred Havanese. when we met her, she had a whole lot of hair, but it was matted terribly, so the groomer had to go short (she's cute both ways, of course, don't you think?).

she is so fun and playful, but knows when to be calm. it's not in her nature to bark, and we have yet to hear her do so. she did whimper after being put back into her kennel when we had to leave her (she had to be spayed and given a rabies shot before we could bring her home) and a little bit on the drive home.
my kids' faces lit up when they came home to find her in our family room! they are beyond excited. :)
pics taken by me :)
AWWWWWWWW she is a cutie pie! congrats on the beautiful new addition to your family :)
yay!! so glad you took in a rescue!!!
She is adorable, a cute dog is always a good addition to the family :) I like dogs, buy I am not so good in taking care of them :) You must be happy to have her in the family :)
Hi, your dog is so adorable. I came cross your blog by google today. very nice =)
She is precious!!! You have a great husband :) And kudos for adopting an older dog!!!!
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