hangnails are dreadful to look at and painful to have. cuticle oil is a great product to keep them at bay and keep nails looking healthy. my current fave is VB Cosmetics' Cuticle Oil with Shea Butter. since i have an issue with getting hangnails, i have to be very attentive to my hands (seriously, i can get them constantly if i'm not careful-- such a pain, literally). if you've ever experienced them, you know what i'm talking about.

this surprisingly ungreasy oil gives my nails and cuticles a nourishing treat each time i use it, about once a day. along with shea butter, this contains safflower, avocado, grape seed and canola oils. application is simple, just brush on and rub it in. i like to use it on my toes, too!.
you can find VB Cosmetics Cuticle Oil with Shea Butter at vbcosmetics.com
product featured was sent to me by the brand for review consideration
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