if you're like me, you want to take time to keep a record of your days and thoughts. you want to rememeber a funny event that happened or something new you learned that day. of course, sometimes days aren't very eventful and you don't have too much to say, or it's so busy you may not want to take a long period of time to journal what happened.
with all of that said, i recently purchased a litte gem of a diary called Keel's Simple Diary that makes journal-keeping so easy.

click on the images to enlarge
on each page you'll find short statements and questions to answer. fill-in-the-blanks make it fun and almost effortless; filling in a page takes less than five minutes. you can even have friends fill out a page at a party or get-together-- there are no rules for it!

it's such a fun little book and comes in different colors. i chose brown first because it's practical, something i'm working harder on being. :)
vist simplediary.com for more info and to order.
pics taken by me :)
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