i have a bit of an obsession with tea right now. any yum-sounding blend catches my attention (think exotic flavors like coconut and sweet flavorings like caramel...mmm). at this moment you could come over to my home and have most any variety you might like-- green, white, black, chai, herbal, floral, etc.-- in a variety of blends and combinations.
i love the creative way teas are made, don't you?
typically, my mornings begin with a detox tea (filled with many different herbs to keep the body healthy) and i like a green tea mid-morning. currently, i'm in love with my Irish and English breakfast teas from Twinings. they aren't new, but they are delish, and you can find them in most grocery stores. the Irish blend is hearty and robust, making my desire for coffee like a faint memory (well, ok it's not a memory, but i definitely haven't been drinking much coffee lately). i love sipping this with my first meal of the day. the English blend is smooth and elegant, as you might imagine-- fancy a spot of tea?-- and a gorgeous compliment to my breakfasts as well.
i'd love to know, do you enjoy tea? or is coffee more your thing?? any one brand or blend in particular?
I have been going crazy for tea, too! My fave is Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride! I also love peach, Tension Tamer and Sleepytime Extra with vanilla.all by Celestial Seasons...yummy to my tummy!
Bigelow Green Tea with Pomegranate
Definitely love coffee more but I Love love love roastaroma by celestial seasonings. Even though it's just by celestial, you can only find this tea at Trader Joes or Mothers market. It has the rare chicory bark in it; & I liked it so much that I will occasionally replace my coffee with it.
I am a tea lover as well. I love that you have a progression of tea throughout your day. I've never tried Twinings tea, but I am certainly going to check it out now. I am a fan of TAZO Zen tea (green) and beecrowbee's black lavender tea (my favorite just before bed). Lovely post, and thank you very much for including The Simply Luxurious Life in your favorite blogs list. I am very flattered. Have a wonderful week. :)
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