Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Vogue Documentary will be showing at Sundance

R.J. Cutler's Vogue documentary, in the works since 2006, that followed the production of the magazine's epic september 2007 issue for nine months is finally ready to make its debut!

who doesn't want to see this? do you remember that september 2007 issue of Vogue-- it was huge (nearly five pounds)!!!

moving on...

the formerly untitled film about Vogue and Anna Wintour is now titled The September Issue, and will be competing at The Sundance Film Festival jan. 16-18, 21 and 23 in the US Documentary category. let's hope for some good reviews on this one because the film crew was granted "unprecedented access", and i would love to see it! it would be fabulous, not to mention educational, to learn how such an issue came to be, don't you think?

plus, i hear Anna would like to have a more positive light shown onto her mysterious and, for lack of a nicer, more family-friendly term, "grumpy" persona.


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